Young man, 18, held after testimony over policeman's injury at sports violence

A football fan, 18, who testified before a prosecutor over charges of seriously injuring a policeman during sports violence on Sunday, was temporarily held on Thursday.

Young man, 18, held after testimony over policeman's injury at sports violence

A football fan, 18, who testified before a prosecutor over charges of seriously injuring a policeman during sports violence on Sunday, was temporarily held on Thursday.

The incidents led to police rounding up and questioning 424 people.

The young man is accused of throwing the flare that led to the serious injury of a 31-year-old policeman during incidents at the 'Melina Mercouri' sports arena in the Rentis neighbourhood of Piraeus on Sunday. He has been charged with instigation of and attempted homicide, possession of explosive and incendiary materials, explosion leading to a threat to life, interruption of the peace, and possession of flares.

According to information, the young man claimed he had been given the flare by an unknown person wearing a full face hood, who told him to throw it, showing him how it works. He said he had never used one before and his intention was not to throw it to the policeman.

The latter is still in intensive care in critical condition, and his lower left leg has been amputated.

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