Simos Kedikoglou accuses SYRIZA of "mean-spirited lies"

n a sharp response to main opposition Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) on Wednesday, government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou said the party must finally stop "its mean-spirited lies" and its disparaging references to the primary surplus as "crumbs", noting that such assertions were made only by those who want Greece to fail.

Simos Kedikoglou accuses SYRIZA of "mean-spirited lies"

The spokesman was replying to a SYRIZA announcement concerning the government's negotiations with the troika, in which it asserted that the government was unable to present alternative proposals and was simply "begging to share out the crumbs of the primary surplus before the elections".

Kedikoglou also referred to press reports about the positions of the German leftist party Die Linke concerning Greece's debts, run by the Greek newspaper "Kathimerini" in an article that drew objections and was disputed by the main opposition party as "inaccurate".

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