Athens Newspaper Headlines (25/09/2019)

The Wednesday edition of Athens' dailies at a glance.

Athens Newspaper Headlines (25/09/2019)

DIΜΟΚRΑΤΙΑ: Zoran, everything is past history

ΕLEFTHEROS TYPOS: The amounts for widows' pensions

EFIMERIDA TON SYNTAKTON: Who is to blame for Thomas Cook

ΤΑ ΝΕΑ: Three scenarios for the pensions

ΕSΤΙΑ: Council of State rules that the lesson of Religion will be optional

KATHIMERINI: Pollution reduces our life span by two years

RIZOSPASTIS: A strong response to labour issues

AVGHI: The chameleon of New York

ΝΑFTEMPORIKI: Double move against debtors

Source: ana-mpa

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