Androulakis briefed on wildfires' impact on Evros Delta during visit to Dadia national park

PASOK-KINAL (Movement for Change) leader Nikos Androulakis visited the Evros Delta & Dadia National Parks on Monday, where he was briefed on the impact of the summer wildfires on the forest and birdlife.

Androulakis briefed on wildfires' impact on Evros Delta during visit to Dadia national park

The Evros prefecture has suffered severe drought over the last seven years, noted Androulakis, "but the state did not pay any emphasis on prevention, neither did it prepare sufficiently enough to prevent the catastrophic damage on the Dadia ecosystem."

The government and opposition parties should discuss the issue and "agree on a comprehensive plan to restore the natural wealth (...) and remedy the disasters suffered by breeders, farmers and the local community."

Androulakis' visit came one day after the party presented its proposed natural disasters prevention plan at an event in Alexandroupolis.

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