The chess game between Tsipras - Samaras for the election

The leaders of New Democracy and SYRIZA used two different strategies and Alexis Tsipras is the undisputed winner

The chess game between Tsipras - Samaras for the election

By Diamantis Seitanidis

Antonis Samaras has attempted to integrate to his strategy (for a clear "yes" to Stavros Dimas), as many independent MPs as he could, with the known methods he used since 1993. Today, in the second vote (Tuesday, 23/12) came close to the maximum of the outcome of these methods. Political analysts from different angles converge to the conclusion that cannot be taken more political initiatives, and that the prime minister, in the third ballot, will be waiting only for ... a miracle.

Instead, the leader of SYRIZA Alexis Tsipras focused his strategy to achieve the magic number 121, to block the election. So, he came to a political agreement with Fotis Kouvelis and the Members which remain in DIMAR, having in the meantime ensure that Panos Kammenos and the Independent Greeks did not intend to surrender in Samara's methods.

It is now clear that, even if one or two members of DIMAR or ANEL surrender in Samara's methods, still the coalition cannot reach the 180 positive votes because of the strategic agreement of Tsipras initially with Kammenos and recently with Kouvelis.

In this game of political chess, between Samaras and Tsipras, the president of SYRIZA has already recorded his first win.

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