Refugee crisis demands a comprehensive European response, says minister

Europe must help Greece deal with the emergency needs that have emerged with the refugee crisis, Deputy Finance Minister Alexis Haritsis said in a speech at the Informal Ministerial Meetings on Territorial Cohesion and Urban Policy that took place on 26 and 27 November in Luxembourg.

Refugee crisis demands a comprehensive European response, says minister

“To this end, efforts are already being made to meet these needs by exploiting structural funds and finding new sources of funding,” Haritsis said.

During the first day of the meeting, the minister emphasized the importance of spatial impact of policies, emphasizing that territorial cohesion constitutes an indivisible dimension along with economic and social cohesion.

On the second day, Haritsis noted that the refugee crisis is creating a new complicated framework for cohesion policy, which, apart from the humanitarian, social and economic challenges, also affects the spatial dimension.

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