Parliamentary debate on the revision of the Constitution continues

The parliamentary process on the revision of the Constitution continued for a second day on Tuesday, with a plenary debate on the proposed amendments.

Parliamentary debate on the revision of the Constitution continues

The focus of Tuesday's discussion is on relations between the Church and State, secular affirmations, individual, labour and social rights, family protection and the introduction of a minimum guaranteed income as proposed by New Democracy.

In particular, two thematic sections of proposed revisions will be discussed.

The first section is:

-Church-State Relations (Article 3 (1, 2, 3), and the introduction of an interpretative statement)

-Religious freedom (Article 13 (5))

-Election of President of the Republic, oath/affirmation, (Article 33 (2))

- oath/affirmation of parliamentary deputies (Article 59 (1) and (2))

The second topic concerns:

-Freedom to develop one's personality, personal freedom (Article 5 (2))

-Protection of family, marriage, maternity and childhood, rights of persons with disabilities (Article 21 (1) and (3) and paragraph 7)

-Protection of labour (Article 22 (1, 2, 4, 5))

-The principle of a social state based on the rule of law, protection of fundamental rights (Article 25 (3))

Source: ana-mpa

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