Avramopoulos το explain Novartis plot to Commission

The European Union’s Commisioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has announced that he will brief European Commssion President Jean-Claude Juncker, his fellow Commissioners and the other European institutions in a “fully documented and analytic manner”, about the case file in the Greek Novartis scandal.

Avramopoulos το explain Novartis plot to Commission

A former Greek health minister, Avramopoulos name comes up in the file that was transmitted to the Greek parliament, allegedly over the purchase of a huge number vaccinations, during the period of the Karamanlis administration, as reported widely by the Greek media at the time.

In 2009, during the H1N1 virus scare, Avramopoulos as health minister ordered an amazing 16 million vaccines, an order that was canceled by his successor, months later, under the Papandreou administration.

Avramopoulos described the prosecutors’ evidentiary material as “undocumented” and “full of holes” documents that aim to annihilate political opponents.

Bearing false witness

Avromopoulos, in a statement, is charging that the protected witnesses offered false testimony, and that the “masterminds” will face the judicial system.

“Today I was apprised of the undocumented and full of holes court records. It is clear now that this is an unprecedented plot, which would stand in no European country. Only sick minds could be inspired to do this and to even attempt it. Yet, these characterisations are not enough. They would have been sufficient had there not been a violation of serious institutional regulations, in an effort to target and annihilate political opponents,” the statement said, apparently alluding to ruling Syriza.

“The false witnesses, the masterminds, and their accomplices will all face the regular justice system, with weighty charges against them, not only as regards all those whom they have accused today, but against the smooth operation of the country’s political life,” Avramopoulos said.

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