Mainly sunny weather with some showers forecast on Monday (10/06/2019)

Mainly sunny weather with a possibility of showers from the afternoon is forecast on Monday, with light winds blowing from easterly and northerly directions, reaching a maximum of 7 Beaufort in the Aegean.

Mainly sunny weather with some showers forecast on Monday (10/06/2019)

Temperatures will decline slightly, ranging from 18C to 32C in the north, 17C to 32C in the west and Ionian Sea, 18-31C on the eastern mainland and between 20C and 29C in the Aegean. Sunny in Attica, with temperatures from 20C to 31C. Partly cloudy in Thessaloniki, with rain from the afternoon and temperatures between 19C and 31C.

Source: ana-mpa

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