Angola: The Enormous Financial Scandal by Georgios Ntousopoulos that Went Unnoticed

Angola: The Honorary Consul of Greece in Angola who is getting “richer and richer” from the bribe he gets from the sale of Demis Nicolaides’ villa – everyone is talking about the dance of illegal millions of Euros for the sale of the “palace” in Kefalari

Angola: The Enormous Financial Scandal by Georgios Ntousopoulos that Went Unnoticed

Behind every big deal, there is also quite often a big scandal…

And behind every big scandal, there is always a briber playing his own dirty games, with the sole purpose of getting his bribe…

January 2013…

Demis Nicolaides and Despina Vandi manage the… impossible according to the publications of the time.

They get their super luxury villa in Kefalari of objective value of 2.118.025 Euros on sale and manage to receive, even though information reported that the original asking price was 4.000.000 Euros, the amount of 11.900.000 Euros.

That was the… greatest deal, with the Government of Angola being the purchaser, in order for the house of 1300 square meters to become the Embassy of that African country in Greece and …the residence of the ambassador, Isabella Mercedes da Silva Feijo.

Soon, however, the revelation of the details of the sale and the totally “crazy” amount spent by Angola, paying at least 11.9 million Euros to Demis and Vandi, turned to big deal into a super scandal….

And the scandal was so big that caused huge shocks even to the powerful government of Angola, essentially constituting the beginning of the end of the empire of the powerful president of the country Jose Eduardo dos Santos.

You see, the presence of intermediaries of that time attracting the interest of the Embassy of Angola for the purchase of Demis and Vandi’s villa in Kifisia, their “palace”, as was called at the time, resulted in an incredible dance of million Euros.

And in that way, Demis, out of the 4 million he was originally asking and which actually could NOT find by a purchaser in the Greek territory, since it was considered too much for the real value of the house, got 11.900.000 Euros lawfully and rumors had it that intermediaries had ensured 2 or 4 million Euros more, which was given to the Nicolaides couple under the bargaining table. Apparently… they got the appropriate recompense for their effort!

The intermediaries never became known of course, at that time, because neither the Government of Angola nor its Ambassador in Athens gave the slightest …explanation about the scandalous amount they decided to pay for the purchase of the house, despite the continuous complaints within the African country and the demands of the opposing party.

Ntousopoulos…the Honorary Consul of bribe!

However, it seems that 6 years later, they found a way to get out of their hood and play the role of the intermediary- briber, since according to information, the new president of Angola since 2017 named Joao Lourenzo, put the “palace” of Demis and Despina Vandi on sale again.

This fact was totally anticipated, since the scandal of the purchase from his predecessor was one of the biggest weapons of the opposing party for the scandals that led to the resignation of Jose Eduardo dos Santos, who governed the country from 1979 until 2017.

The man who appears ….from nowhere and this time is the «interlocutor» of prospective purchasers and acts as the intermediary- representative of the government of Angola is Mr. Georgios Ntousopoulos, who -coincidentally of course- happens to be according to the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs ,the Honorary Consul of Greece in the African country since 2007.

This is a position he still seems to occupy in full solemnity, without getting paid of course, in 2013, when the big deal between the couple Nicolaides-Vandi and the Government of Angola took place.

And…..everyone is free to make their assumptions.

In the present time, therefore, Mr. Ntousopoulos appears to be “negotiating” on behalf of the Government of Angola with new prospective purchasers of Demi’s villa in Kefalari. And apparently having in mind all the scandals that came up in 2013 and made him….richer by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Euros, is trying to play the exact same game of ….bribe.

How? With the convenient method of bribers who blackmail prospective purchasers, claiming huge amounts for themselves, in order to …stop expressing objections to the executives of the Government of Angola with which he was apparently attempting a second big deal. The African country might be well unaware of all that…

Of course, all of this is happening ….on the back of the Greek Governments that were sleeping quiet with the Honorary Consul in Angola, without any cost since he was offering his services free of charge, as well as the Greek law enforcement authorities (financial and not only) that should obviously immediately intervene and toss Mr. Giorgos Ntousopoulos.

And this will definitely be the case, since revelations will fall like rain ad given that there is no way that very bad habit of him not having history in…businesses of the Government of Angola and between businessmen of the African country and Greece.
Many people have already talked and the time that Mr. Ntousopoulos will be accountable to the Greek Justice for illegal money trafficking from Angola to our country is closer than ever.

The records regarding the 4.000.000 Euros bribes and the crazy dance of millions that has blown up the sale amount of a house of objective value of 2 million Euros have just opened and the time that the bank accounts will also open, together with all the persons involved is close.

To be continued…

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