Alexis Tsipras on iSyriza platform Q&A: Party base must have more of a say in big decisions

Alexis Tsipras said his vision for Greece calls for democracy, freedom and social justice, in answers he provided online to iSYRIZA platform on Tuesday.

Alexis Tsipras on iSyriza platform Q&A: Party base must have more of a say in big decisions

Responding to party members who had submitted questions for him, he said that despite the difficulties Greece went through, "Greece will return to the path of social justice, will be identified with freedom and democracy, and will exhibit a visage of humanitarianism, as it did in 2015, against racism and xenophobia - a Greece that can express the dreams and expectations of the younger generations."

Tsipras said that Syriza managed to become the heart of the progressive parties in Greece, "always an open and constantly changing party that dared interact with society." Today, he said, it needs to open its doors to the younger people that cast their vote for it, and become "an open, radical and modern party that takes advantage of opportunities to expand democracy within the party."

Commenting on PASOK voters who came over to Syriza, he said that it was PASOK that changed and abandoned its voters, not the reverse, while those who switched parties now feel Syriza is their home.

Asked how the main opposition party could return to power, Tsipras pointed out that his government ruled under the creditors' memoranda and lack of sovereignty, but that was not the only issue. "We were not bold enough to apply rules, transparency, meritocracy and accountability fully - this must become a lesson to be more effective next time, not to place our own people, but to place people who deserve it," he said.

The former prime minister said that he respected the Greek people's decision at the polls. He described the party's tasks ahead as follows: "We must do three things: justify people's decision to support us, win over a large percentage of the abstentions from the polls, and to convince people a percentage of people who voted for New Democracy who believed in their rosy dreams to return."

Among other issues, Tsipras also criticized the media for showing what he called "excessive favor" to the current prime minister and the breakup groups in Syriza that "produce fewere and fewer ideas and policies and create further groupings, having become outdated."

"The party must be participatory, democratic and have rules," he commented. "It must not be leader-dependent. Right now what interests me is to do something progressive on a European level, as we are being watched by all of Europe. We must take the big step of allowing the base of the party to take the critical and important decisions," he noted.

Source: ana-mpa

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