One million people each year commit suicide

The world economic crisis has led many people to suicide. The figures are shocking! Today, September 10, was established as the International Day against Suicide by decision of the World Health Organization, in order to focus the world's attention to this unfortunate event.
One million people each year commit suicide

One million people commit suicide, every year. Every day about 3,000 people commit suicide and those who ultimately succeed in their purpose have previously done 20 or more attempts.

In Greece, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2006 there were 394 deaths from suicide (326 men and 68 women). However, the number reported is less real because some deaths are covered for reasons of "stigma" (e.g. fall from height, poisoning, etc.).

A rising trend of suicides worldwide

According to WHO, the last 45 years there is an increase in the number of suicides by 60%, worldwide.

Suicide in some countries and at ages 15-44 years is one of the top three causes of death and the second leading cause in the age group of 10-24 years.

These figures do not include attempts, which are more than 20 times more frequent than the actual suicide as a final result.

Until 1998 suicides counted 1.8% of the world 'load' diseases, and according to WHO data until 2020 will be 2.4% in countries classified as socialist economies.

The global mortality ratio is 16 per 100,000, i.e. one death every 40 seconds. In Greece, always according to WHO, is about 4 per 100,000 per year.

The percentage of suicides is traditionally higher in older men while in younger people is increasing, and therefore younger people are today the group with the highest risk in the one third of countries (both in developing countries as well as in developed ones).

Mental disorders, primarily depression and the effects of the use of alcohol and substances, is the number one risk factor for suicide in Europe and North America.

However, in Asian countries a very important role is played by impulsive behavior. In suicide are involved a set of factors such as psychological, social, biological, cultural and environmental.

Inadequate suicide prevention

The prevention of suicide worldwide is deemed insufficient by WHO, because of the lack of vigilance and the assumption (taboo) that this is a major problem. In fact, few countries have included the prevention of suicide in their priorities.

Prevention requires innovative interventions for wide multidisciplinary approach, which includes, in addition to the health sector, other sectors such as education, employment, justice, religion, law, politics and the media.

Furthermore, the reporting and recording on a consistent basis is an issue that can be improved. Besides, the cost of suicide is huge because apart from the loss of human life and the important psychological implications for the family and the friendly environment, has economic impact on society.

WHO and the International Partnership for the Prevention of Suicide (International Association for Suicide Prevention IASP), cooperate closely to prevent suicidal tendencies with proper treatment, but also for the implementation of health education programs, as we read in

Also, they implement programs to monitor the people who have attempted suicide. They ask from the media to be careful when broadcast news about suicides.

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